How are you planning to move your dirt?
Image taken from BC Government website
Starting March 1, 2023, the BC government is changing how soil relocation is regulated in the province. Anyone wishing to move soil to a non-provincially permitted facility must comply with legislated sampling and other requirements and provide notice of soil relocation seven days in advance using the Soil Relocation Information System (SRIS), which should be launching soon.
The GRT Duke Point facility operates on federal land. As such, as a soil receiving site, we are exempt from these regulatory changes. That means that you can send excess soil to GRT without having to submit notification in advance. In other words, there will be no change from GRT’s current (environmentally responsible) requirements for incoming soil assessment and acceptance.
However, if you wish to purchase or backhaul GRT’s clean aggregate, that part of GRT’s business IS subject to the new soil relocation changes. GRT will need 8 days’ notice of your intention to purchase aggregate and will complete all aspects of the new soil relocation requirements on your behalf.
That's our soil relocation plan! We're ready. Please contact Claire Lewis, P.Eng. with any questions.