Leaving the earth cleaner than we found it.
Millions of tonnes of waste soil, sludge and water are landfilled every year in BC. Almost none of it actually needs to be.
We believe unwanted material should be given a second life, not thrown in the garbage.
We’re not just in the business of producing rocks, folks! GRT’s resource regeneration process filters and separates metal scraps, litter, glass and other objects for appropriate recycling, repatriation or rehoming.

over 220,000 lb of marine debris retrieved in 2023
Large rocks and Yellow Cedar scraps salvaged from contaminated dredge.
Terrazzo tile made from Regenerock pea gravel.
Careful management of archeology & artifacts.
When required per archeological assessments under an Environmental Assessment (EA) process, our washing and screening process is carefully adapted for the discovery and salvage of items that would otherwise be missed (and thrown away). This modified process allows for the discovery and salvage of items under the supervision of the appointed archeology professional. Since 2016 we have recovered over 10,000 pieces of archeology during such projects. The discovered artifacts were collected by researchers or returned to their traditional communities.
Coast Salish artifact recovered from dredge, Vancouver Island BC
Cervid tooth recovered from dredge, Vancouver Island, BC
Antique boatswain’s whistles, recovered from dredge, Vancouver Island, BC
Recovered bottles ready for their next life on someone’s shelf, Victoria