Xeriscaping & Low-to-No Irrigation Medians with GRT Aggregates

Due to the inconsistent nature of the excess soils we receive at our Resource Regeneration Facility, our clean rock outputs don’t always fit specifications for construction use.

For example, excavations near marine environments sometimes contain bits of shells, beach glass, brick, porcelain, and a mix of round and angular rock.

Though perhaps not ideal for construction, these unique rock blends have visual interest that makes them well-suited for municipal or park landscaping applications.

As climate change continues to impact local weather, sod-free city medians and boulevards offer an appealing alternative to traditional designs that rely on regular irrigation. Many cities across North America (especially in southern, drier climates) have been using xeriscaping for years, and as water conservation becomes an increasing priority, many towns and municipalities (such as Okotoks, Alberta) are experimenting with grass alternatives in public spaces.

GRT’s Regenerated Aggregate offers a 100% upcycled, economical and locally-sourced option for municipalities and districts on Vancouver Island. Contact our team to learn more!


Upcoming Event: Lunchtime Seminar with Fill Connect & Claire Lewis


Dear Municipalities