Safe, cost competitive solutions for unstable or hazardous soils.

Full-service, reliable soil stabilization to customers across BC and Alberta.

We use proven technology developed in Scandinavia with unique customizations specific to soil & geotechnical characteristics in Western Canada to deliver affordable alternatives to excavation and disposal. 


GPS System ensures accuracy while maximizing efficiency.

GRT’s soil stabilization process is deployed using a grid based system connected to GPS base stations. This system is integrated with a reporting program to minimize binder consumption and ensure proper distribution of binding agents. In addition, flexible reporting can be provided depending on the client’s requirements for quality control.

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Contaminated Soil Remediation

Soil stabilization for the purposes of treating contamination is achieved through three primary mechanisms. These include solidification, stabilization, and isolation.

  • Suitable for contamination from non-soluble metals, PAHs, benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene & xylene (BTEX), pesticides, herbicides, PCB, most metalloids

  • Cost savings & environmental footprint reduction compared to the removal and disposal of contaminated soil

  • Conservation of landfill space

  • Applicable to a range of contaminants

  • Flexible mixture to ensure proper treatment of most contaminants


Geotechnical Stabilization

GRT’s soil stabilization method involves the incorporation of a binding agent into a previously tested soil with the goal of improving soil strength for a variety of purposes, including:

  • Support for advancing equipment, often on a same-day basis

  • Subgrade improvement

  • Improvement of clay, peat and silt based soils

  • Permeability reduction of soils

  • Erosion control

  • Increased compressive strength

  • Vibration reduction

  • Improved bearing capacity for structure foundations


Treatment Data - Lead Leachate

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Learn more.


To learn more about GRT’s soil stabilization technology and its applications, please contact our sales team.